Dealership Training

Training: Ensuring the ROI

Steve Roennau Vice President Compliance EFG Companies
Contributing Author:
Steve Roennau
Vice President
EFG Companies

There’s not a dealer in the powersports industry that doesn’t wrestle with the concept of training! Everyone agrees that training is necessary to run a successful, profitable, efficient and ethical dealership operation.  However, the spectrum of dealers’ commitment to training is wide in the retail powersports space. Even the dealer that is committed to training struggles with things like:

  • Why pay to train someone who’s just going to leave? 
  • It’s difficult taking income-producing team members off the floor, desk, or drive for an extended period of time. 
  • I can’t determine if training is actually making a difference to my bottom line.
  • I can’t get my managers to see the value. My dealership runs a certain way and they don’t want to have to re-train team members after a training course that is counter-intuitive to the way we operate.
Data Security

Are You Ready for a Data Breach?

Contributing Author:
Maurice Hamilton
Vice President
EFG Companies

Experian’s Data Breach Resolution Group, a division of the consumer credit reporting company, recently issued their 2019 Data Breach Industry Forecast. While the report was full of important information, it made me wonder if the retail automotive industry is suffering from “Hurricane Syndrome.” You know the scenario. Weeks in advance, the weather pundits issue warnings that a hurricane is coming. Only a few people pay attention. A week before landfall, the cone of probability is posted. Most people continue to go about their business. Two days before landfall, winds are picking up and early rain bands are hitting. Some people might check the pantry and fuel gauge. Then the hurricane hits with full fury, flooding ensues, roofs are blown off, and emergency services are tapped out. In the aftermath, local news reporters interview victims who say, “We didn’t think it would be that bad!” 

It’s been 13 years since the first major data breach impacted a US financial institution. According to the Experian report, the scale of data breaches in 2018 was staggering, with the number of compromised records in the first half of 2018 exceeding those for the entire previous year. Despite major security advancements, cybercriminals and black-hat hackers continue to wreak havoc on businesses. With powersports dealers and lenders utilizing more digital tools to manage the sales process, the risk of a data breach increases exponentially. While the industry must embrace this growing trend, dealers must also break out of their own data security Hurricane Syndrome.

Dealership Training

Selling WHY – Not What

Glenice Wilder Vice President EFG Companies
Contributing Author:
Glenice Wilder
Vice President
EFG Companies

When presenting F&I products, are your F&I managers focusing too much on the product details? How’s that working for you? Are you happy with those product penetration rates?

Think about when you review long lists of information, you start to tune out, right? The same thing happens when F&I managers approach a product presentation from the standpoint of selling what the product does. Tallying off coverage levels, terms, systems, and parts is the fastest way to disengage from the customer and get them watching the clock instead of listening to the presentation.

At EFG, we teach professionals to approach the F&I product presentation from the standpoint of WHY. Why should a customer purchase a certain product? How does it benefit them? You could say that the product benefits customers by listing off everything it covers, but once again, that long list isn’t directly relatable to most customers.

In order to sell WHY, you must understand the customer’s riding habits, as well as their wants and needs for their motorcycle.

  • How long do they keep their motorcycles?
  • Does the customer live in a city or a rural area?
  • How often do they participate in long rides?
  • Do they ride across country or stay in their local area?