Since 1977, EFG Companies has advanced the bar in providing superior client service with the belief that quality service leads to quality growth. Each year, EFG’s leadership team tackles a simple question – “Why EFG?” And, after pondering the question from the perspective of EFG’s clients, the team challenges itself with, “How does EFG lead the industry?”
The answer lies in EFG’s ongoing achievements.
In EFG’s most recent bi-annual Client Satisfaction Study fielded by national research firm Troubadour Research and Consulting, 99 percent of EFG’s dealer clients stated they would highly recommend EFG, resulting in a Net Promoter Score* higher than Nordstrom, USAA Insurance, and Ritz Carlton.
Results from EFG’s client satisfaction survey indicated that EFG’s overall client satisfaction rose to 99 percent, up from 93 percent in 2016. Respondent’s likelihood to recommend EFG rose to 99 percent, up from 95 percent in 2016. Additionally, dealer clients recognized EFG’s efforts to raise the bar with in-dealership engagement. On a scale of one to ten, where ten is the highest for attributes in each area, clients ranked EFG as:
- 9.4 for in-dealership engagement
- 9.2 for product breadth and innovation
- 9.6 for training
- 9.2 for claims administration
- 9.7 for compliance oversight
EFG Companies maintains 5 annual certifications in areas of data security, compliance and customer service leadership, along with 47 national awards for product development, client engagement, and setting the standard of excellence in the industry.
Click each icon find out how each of these certifications and awards benefits you and your business.