
Interviewing 101

Contributing Author:
Amber Hash
Recruiting Manager
EFG Companies

Have you found yourself wondering what happened to that stellar candidate who came in for the job interview? They were impressive in the interview, so why are they not measuring up on the job?

This scenario happens because some people are just better at interviews than others. It could be that you find yourself passing on potentially top-performing employees and hiring less apt candidates, all due to the interview.

So, as an employer, what are you to do? Approach an interview the same way you would approach a needs analysis with a potential customer.

First, put the candidate at ease with some small talk and set expectations on the interview itself, including timing. This step helps those people who are nervous interviewers. Putting them at ease will help them open up about their experience and what they can bring to the table.

Then, ask behavioral questions. Again, let’s go back to the needs analysis with a customer. Those questions typically revolve around driving habits and lifestyle, i.e., behavior. The same thing applies in a job interview. Ask candidates for examples of goals they reached and how they achieved those goals. Have them describe a stressful situation, or a situation where they made a mistake at work and how they handled it. Ask them if they’ve ever been in a situation where they needed to change a person’s mind, and how they achieved that change.