Business Growth

Tired of Chasing Inventory?

While monthly sales numbers have certainly brought good news to retail powersports dealers, there is a flip side to the story. Recently polled dealers who attended a Powersports Business Kenect event shared growing concern about new unit inventory, with 78 percent of respondents noting they were very or extremely concerned. In Q1, 85 percent of dealers said their inventory was too low. With 72 percent of dealers reporting double-digit sales growth in Q1, it appears that the 2021 will be a year spent scrounging for inventory.

We all know that the best option to tackle the inventory shortage is to target the trade-in, but how do you convince people to trade in with you?  While stimulus money is easing near-term financial worries for many consumers, much of that money will be targeted toward paying off debt, delinquent rent, and other expenses incurred due to lost employment income. Educate the customer that their trade-in vehicle has value which can be applied toward their next powersports purchase. Contact recent customers and discuss their current situation. Are they using their motorcycle or ATV, or are they contemplating a new side-by-side? Capture details on the trade-in remotely and provide trade-in options that get them closer to the sale.

Business Growth

Prepare for Profit in 2021

While the country is slowly emerging from the effects of the pandemic, the powersports industry started 2021 with a bang! So, what should powersports dealers do now to prepare for the coming months?

According to composite data from more than 1,650 dealerships in the U.S. that use the CDK Lightspeed DMS, revenue from new and pre-owned Major Unit Sales continued to rise 46% in the January 2021 period vs. January 2020.

There are several factors contributing to continued strength in powersports sales. Temperatures are warming, vaccine distribution is rolling out, and COVID-19 cases are trending down across much of the country. A third round of stimulus checks plus income tax returns will hit consumer bank accounts in coming months. Potentially flush with cash and improved consumer confidence, there is a good chance for steady traffic – both online and in the showroom. But will you have what these customers are looking for?

Business Growth

Looking Forward to Success in 2021

I’ve never been one to dwell on the past but this year demands some reflection as we prepare for success in the upcoming year. While we as a country have endured some tremendous challenges, there also have been many notable events that have given me hope for the future.

As I write this, the first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are making their way across the country to our well-deserving front line healthcare workers. The presidential election is now behind us and we can move forward – hopefully with a stimulus package to ease the burden shouldered by individuals and small business owners. The Federal Reserve has indicated that interest rates will remain at or near zero at least into 2023. And while we have all been forced to pivot in our ways of doing business, business has continued for the most part. These positive data points tell me that there is much to look forward to as we approach 2021.

Many aspects of the powersports industry experienced a tremendous year in terms of sales, revenue, and overall success metrics. Although fourth quarter data will not be available until the end of January, early indications reflect another strong quarter. According to CDK Lightspeed DMS, new and used unit revenue growth in October clocked in at 33.2 percent. Service has also seen an uptick as riders pull those older bikes out of the garage for a trip down the road. According to Jeremy Jansen, Head of Motorsports at Wells Fargo Commercial Distribution Finance, “North American powersports retail has seen unprecedented activity…resulting in the collective industry entering 2021 with a strong tailwind.”