Industry Trends

Managing the Shifting Retail Automotive Landscape

Contributing Author: James Ganther, Esquire Co-Founder & President Mosaic Compliance Services, LLC
Contributing Author:
James Ganther, Esquire
Co-Founder & President
Mosaic Compliance Services, LLC

As a retail automotive dealer, do you feel like the very nature of your business is changing right in front of you? Advances in technology are making it possible to conduct a good deal of the vehicle-purchasing transaction online. A new generation of car buyers who want more digital resources is rising in buying-power. Change is in the air.  How will technology change the way F&I professionals ply their trade?

To answer that question, I have to go far from the realm of retail automotive to the cerebral world of TED talks.  The third-most viewed TED talk of all time is Simon Sinek’s “How Great Leaders Inspire Action.”  More than 35 million people have invested 18 minutes to watch an English/American author explain what he calls the “Golden Circle.”  If you haven’t seen it, you can look it up on  It’s worth the watch.

One of my take-aways from Sinek’s talk has more to do with what he did than what he said.  Sinek didn’t have any high-tech A/V presentation to back up his words.  He used a flip chart on an easel and a fat black marker to illustrate his points.  Sinek wasn’t an artist and his handwriting wasn’t all that good.  Midway through his talk, his microphone failed and he had to be handed a new one.