Dealership Training

Don’t leave your service drive out of your sales cycle!

Contributing Author: Steve Roennau Vice President Compliance EFG Companies
Contributing Author:
Steve Roennau
Vice President
EFG Companies

What is synonymous with General Motors and Toyota? Recall, right?

Four years ago, Toyota underwent a recall crisis on par with General Motors today. Now, Chrysler is also under investigation for faulty ignition switches. Are these the only car manufacturers who’ve felt the strain of a recall crisis? No.

In the 70s, Ford issued a staggering 21 million vehicle recall for its infamous “park-to-reverse” automatic transmission defect. In the 80s, Audi dealt with its own unintended acceleration defect with a series of car recalls for its 5000 model that nearly drove it out of the American market.

Do consumers still buy these cars? Yes.

In fact, according to General Motors, the ignition switch recalls have had no significant impact on new model sales. What does this mean for dealerships? Opportunity!

No matter their reason for visiting the service drive, when consumers bring their vehicles back to the dealership, there is an opportunity to convert those customers to a new car buyer. In fact, the more times a customer returns to a dealership for service, the more likely they are to make their next vehicle purchase with that dealership. Between 2010 and 2012, the percent of customers who were converted from used cars to new cars increased from 17 percent to 19.3 percent. As consumer income continues to increase, this rising trend can also be expected to increase.

In order to truly maximize this opportunity, dealerships can make small adjustments that create a big difference in capturing a greater share of wallet from this lucrative audience:

  • First, address your waiting area to ensure cleanliness and its appeal to both men and women. Remember that at least 50 percent of your service drive business is women, so double-check to ensure that available amenities are appealing to both audiences. In addition, outfit the waiting area with information on F&I products and monitors tuned to dealership and OEM videos.
  • Focus on making a good and lasting impression on new service drive customers by ensuring the service managers are adequately trained. Do they have a courteous and professional demeanor while providing efficient service?
  • Keep returning customers coming back by focusing on providing a positive experience each time they return to fortify the relationship.
  • Lastly, keep customer records accurate and up-to-date. Either the service manager can verify the information when first approaching customers, or the receptionist can when processing payments.

It’s that simple. Yet, many dealerships overlook this significant opportunity. With OEMs focusing on customer retention, dealerships need to fortify their service strategies both in sales and in their service drive. But, the customer experience doesn’t have to end when they leave. With accurate information in their CRM, dealerships can establish a contact campaign based on several different criteria including:

  • whether the customer is a recall customer or a regular service customer;
  • whether the customer is new to the dealership or returning; and,
  • if returning, how often they return and the age of their vehicle.

Rather than relying solely on the sales force approaching customers waiting for service, dealers can capitalize on customer retention by focusing on customer service and implementing a communication campaign designed to turn service drive customers into sales prospects.

In today’s market, the road to the sale is rarely a straight line. With almost 40 years of insight into the consumer mindset, EFG Companies knows how to turn your team into Top Performers. Along with our intense training curriculum and client engagement, our expert trainers can provide a full service-drive analysis, focusing on the efficiency of the department and their sales volume. EFG’s consultative approach to marketing equips dealerships with the consumer insights and marketing tools needed to increase store traffic, drive customer loyalty, and differentiate their business. Contact EFG to get started today.

Dealership Training Economy

Make More Money on Returning Lessees

Contributing Author: Stephen RoennauRe-stating the obvious

  • Consumers held on to their cars much longer than normal during the recession or simply did without.
  • Post-recession consumers slowly came back into the car market. However, they were much more wary. Leases and used cars did better on average than new-vehicle sales.
  • Now, those lease terms are coming to a close, and dealerships can expect an influx of returning lessees, whom they can turn into new-vehicle owners.

What this means for 2014

According to “Automotive News”, General Motors saw those lessees start returning in November and they have only continued to grow.

Returning lessees pose a huge opportunity for dealership profit in 2014. Why? Because you’ve already done the legwork.

You’ve already built an ongoing relationship, bringing these consumers back to the dealership on a regular basis. Lease customers are on the hook, now you just have to reel them in with superior service and products.

What do we mean by service?

First there’s the follow-up. Evaluate your contact strategy for this audience. When do you begin contacting them? What is the contact frequency? What are your messages for this audience?

Remember, you don’t want to spam them, but you do want to stay top-of-mind. This is most easily done with your content rather than frequency. For example, many people, especially first-time lease customers, do not fully understand the process for lease-end. Educating them on the available options and inventory can go a long way toward influencing their purchase decisions.

You can also use your email communication to invite the customer in for a free trade appraisal to see how well the vehicle is holding its value. Simply getting them back to the dealership dramatically increases the chance of retaining lease customers. Remember, the customer who leased three years ago may be able to take advantage of better options. Many captives have stronger lease offers. Residual values in general have increased and the market has stabilized. Also, some lease programs waive the acquisition fee or security deposit on a re-lease or have other incentives for loyal lease customers. All these things add up to a greater opportunity for you to retain that customer.

In addition, it’s important to evaluate their experience in the showroom. You already have a database filled with information about their needs.

  • You know the current make and model of their car.
  • You know how many miles they drive.
  • You know their service history.

With these data points in mind, you can do much more than show them the new version of their car. You can offer suggestions on other makes, products, or financing options that might fit their needs better. When they come in, how prepared is your sales staff to meet their needs and exceed their expectations?

What about those products?

As with every customer in your dealership, returning lessees want the most for their money. After all, that’s the whole reason they chose to lease in the first place. Now is the perfect time to re-evaluate your F&I products and your provider. So, talk to your service advisers. They can tell you how quickly claims are processed, whether your admin is professional and courteous, and how many claims are approved. Those F&I products not only reflect back on you. Outside of the upsell opportunity, they can also help or harm your service drive, depending on how much red tape your service advisors deal with on a daily basis.

EFG Companies knows the importance of customer service combined with superior products. Everything from training to product administration has a single goal in mind – to be your partner for go-to-market success. Our agile product innovation and customization is backed by unmatched partner engagement and industry leading claims administration.

Make EFG your key to driving business. Contact us today.

Dealership Training EFG Companies F&I

CFPB Crackdown – What You Need to be Compliant

Contributing Author: John StephensIn December 2013, the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau’s first blow to the automotive financing industry hit – and it hit hard. After an in-depth investigation, the CFPB ordered Ally Financial to pay $80 million in consumer restitution and another $18 million in civil penalties for having practices that made discrimination possible in their partner dealerships.

According to some consumer advocates, those dealership partners could now be sued by the same consumer’s receiving a refund check from Ally Financial. Why? Consider this situation.

Sally checks the mail one day and receives a letter stating that the lender backing her auto loan was forced to reimburse her and others who were discriminated against when purchasing their vehicle. She now has proof that the dealership where she purchased her vehicle employed discriminatory practices against her. With hard proof in the form of a check from Ally Financial, she contacts a lawyer and puts together a class action with all the other consumers the dealership allegedly discriminated against.

Now, another blow is about to hit. A consumer advocacy group in California is trying to place a proposal on the state’s November 2014 ballot that would prohibit dealerships from marking up interest rates on their auto loans. If this bill passes, it could provide the tipping point for lenders to change their policies and disallow dealerships from increasing their interest rates.

With the industry avidly watching to see how this will play out, now is the time to ensure the highest standard of compliance practices in your dealership. So ask yourself:

Do you have a compliance officer at your dealership? A compliance officer takes ownership of dealership compliance. They are responsible for the compliance strategy or business plan, determining holes, and the best and most efficient way to plug those holes.

How often do you provide compliance training? Automotive retail has always been a high turnover industry. Compliance training needs to be at the forefront as you add new employees, promote, and add new rooftops, etc. If your people don’t know the ever-fluctuating rules, how can they ensure they are abiding by them?

Do you perform regular compliance audits? By performing regular audits, you can be on top off inconsistencies within your dealership and address them before they get out of hand.

With this highly regulated industry, compliance is nothing new. However, the vague guidelines from the CFPB leave a lot to be desired in forming hard- and-fast rules. The best thing to do is consult with your legal counsel to ensure that your compliance strategy incorporates practices relative to the CFPB and general discriminatory laws. Some examples of these practices include:

  • Establish a published internal and external audit process that includes specific guidelines on the consequences of compliance violation.
  • Publish a schedule of training for both new and veteran employees to ensure all personnel are aware of the established guidelines.
  • Provide evidence of proper consumer disclosure.
  • Establish a “code of ethics” reviewing the policies and procedures signed off by all employees and new hires.

In addition, it is equally important to conduct thorough due diligence that all service providers, not just lenders, understand and are capable of complying with all state and federal laws by:

  • requesting and reviewing the service provider’s policies, procedures, internal controls, and training materials to ensure that the service provider conducts appropriate training and oversight of employees or agents who have consumer contact or compliance responsibilities;
  • ensuring the contract with the service provider includes clear expectations about compliance, as well as appropriate and enforceable consequences for violating any compliance-related responsibilities;
  • establishing internal controls and on-going monitoring to determine whether the service provider is in compliance; and,
  • taking prompt action to address any problems identified through the monitoring process.

With over 36 years in innovating and implementing proven go-to-market strategies in the dealership space, EFG Companies has made compliance a core facet of their business, influencing everything from product development to claims and client support.

Find out how compliance training from EFG can fortify your business to thrive while remaining compliant with current and future regulations.